Hi all! Summertime is behind the corner and most of the tour is set! In the midst of it, there might be room for a new record in the making, who knows… (Musicians never take holidays, didn’t you know? 🙂 )
Here’s where we can meet! The schedule might change, so don’t forget to check out my Tour page!
June 13 @ Pasticceria Clivati, Milano, Italy, with Sweet South Jazz Trio
June 20 @ New Orleans Jazz Festival, Tel Aviv, Israel, with Sugarpie and the Candymen
June 21 @ New Orleans Jazz Festival, Tel Aviv, Israel, with Sugarpie and the Candymen
June 22 @ New Orleans Jazz Festival, Tel Aviv, Israel, with Sugarpie and the Candymen
June 28 @ JazzAscona, Ascona, Switzerland, with Sugarpie and the Candymen feat. Mauro Negri
June 29 @ JazzAscona, Ascona, Switzerland, with Sugarpie and the Candymen feat. Mauro Negri
June 30 @ JazzAscona, Ascona, Switzerland, with Sugarpie and the Candymen feat. Mauro Negri
July 06 @ Caffè dei Mercanti, Piacenza, Italy, with Elisa Aramonte
July 07 @ Flumserberg goes New Orleans Jazz, Flumserberg, Switzerland, with Sugarpie and the Candymen
July 08 @ Flumserberg goes New Orleans Jazz, Flumserberg, Switzerland, with Sugarpie and the Candymen
July 11 @ Selva in Jazz, Budrio (BO), Italy, with Sugarpie and the Candymen
July 13 @ Palazzo Roverella, Ferrara, Italy, with Sugarpie and the Candymen
July 14 @ Bar Ragno, Comacchio (FE), Italy, with Sugarpie and the Candymen feat. Mauro Negri
July 21 @ Fort L’Ecluse, France, with Sugarpie and the Candymen
July 22 @ Sandalmazi Beer Festival, Cogliate (MI), Italy, with Sugarpie and the Candymen
July 26 @ Il Torchio, Ricetto di Candelo (BI), Italy, with Sugarpie and the Candymen
July 27 @ TBA, Brescia, Italy, with Sugarpie and the Candymen
July 28 @ TBA, Isola Dovarese (CR), Italy, with Lara Ferrari Quartet
July 29 @ Supertele, Giovinazzo (BA), Italy, with Sugarpie and the Candymen
July 31 @ TBA, Andria (BT), Italy, with Sugarpie and the Candymen
Aug 01 @ Musica e Architettura, Santo Stefano di Sessanio (AQ), Italy, with Sugarpie and the Candymen
Aug 03 @ Castello, Soiano (BS), Italy, with Sugarpie and the Candymen
Aug 04 @ Sandalmazi Beer Festival, Cogliate (MI), Italy, with Sugarpie and the Candymen
Aug 05 @ Festa Rionale, Livraga (LO), Italy, with Georgia Ciavatta e I Cordiali
Aug 14 @ Musikfestwochen, Winterthur, Switzerland, with Sugarpie and the Candymen
Aug 17 @ Celerina New Orleans Jazz Festival, Celerina, Switzerland, with Sugarpie and the Candymen
Aug 18 @ Celerina New Orleans Jazz Festival, Celerina, Switzerland, with Sugarpie and the Candymen
Aug 17 @ Celerina New Orleans Jazz Festival, Celerina, Switzerland, withSugarpie and the Candymen
Aug 23 @ Lungolago, Cannobio (VB), Italy, with Sugarpie and the Candymen
Aug 24 @ Piazza della Madonna, Ronco sopra Ascona, Switzerland, with Sugarpie and the Candymen
Aug 25 @ Chiostro di San Colombano, Bobbio (PC), Italy, with Georgia Ciavatta
Aug 26 @ Piazza della Vittoria, Salò (BS), Italy, with Sugarpie and the Candymen
Sept 01 @ Villa Restelli, Olgiate Olona (VA), Italy, with Sugarpie and the Candymen