
Hi there! In the past few months I’ve been busy getting ready for my Conservatory degree and working on some very, very interesting stuff coming up!

In the meantime, there are some pretty awesome gigs happening in the near future! Here is where I’ll be in the next months – the calendar is getting pretty busy by the day, so don’t forget to check out my Tour page!

May 3 @ Hotel Eden Roc, Ascona, Switzerland, duo with Gianluca Di Ienno
May 4 @ La Cambüsa, Ascona, Switzerland, with Renato Podestà Trio (Gianluca Di Ienno and Roberto Lupo)
May 5 @ Sound, Soresina (CR), Italy, with Sugarpie and the Candymen
May 6 @ Lana Festival, Lana (BZ), Italy, with Sugarpie and the Candymen
May 12 @ Swing Upon A Time, Salsomaggiore (PR), Italy, with Lara Ferrari Quartet
May 13 @ Spirit De Milan, Milan, Italy, with Sandro Gibellini Quartet
May 31 @ Motonave Stradivari, Cremona, Italy, with Alex Carreri and Roberto Lupo
June 20 @ New Orleans Jazz Festival, Tel Aviv, Israel, with Sugarpie and the Candymen
June 21 @ New Orleans Jazz Festival, Tel Aviv, Israel, with Sugarpie and the Candymen
June 22 @ New Orleans Jazz Festival, Tel Aviv, Israel, with Sugarpie and the Candymen
June 28 @ JazzAscona, Ascona, Switzerland, with Sugarpie and the Candymen feat. Mauro Negri
June 29 @ JazzAscona, Ascona, Switzerland, with Sugarpie and the Candymen feat. Mauro Negri
June 30 @ JazzAscona, Ascona, Switzerland, with Sugarpie and the Candymen feat. Mauro Negri

New dates and stuff